Sunday, October 28, 2007

Take The Preached Word Seriously

What is that makes one sermon different from another? What is that seems to grab your attention in such a way that you cannot walk away from a sermon without saying, "God has truly spoken to me through His preached and proclaimed Word today?" Do the following words of Calvin from his Commentary on 2 Timothy 3:1-2 ring true for the preaching you are sitting under?
"Here, as in a very weighty matter, Paul adds a solemn charge, exhibiting to Timothy, God as the avenger, and Christ as the judge, if he shall cease to discharge his office of teaching. And, indeed, in like manner as God showed by an inestimable pledge, when he spared not his only-begotten Son, how great is the care which he has for the Church, so he will not suffer to remain unpunished the negligence of pastors, through whom souls, which he hath redeemed at so costly a price, perish or are exposed as a prey."
I should say to Rev. David Murray, Rev. Ray Lanning, Rev. Roy Blackwood, and Seminarian Nathan Eshelman (along with the many other faithful ministers of the Word and Sacraments) thank you for taking this verse seriously in your lifetime and calling. We serve a truly awesome God.

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