Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dr. John Calvin on God's Kindness

"The acknowledgment of God’s kindness is a sacrifice of sweet-smelling savor; yea, it is a more acceptable service than all sacrifices. God is continually heaping innumerable benefits upon men. Their ingratitude, therefore, is intolerable, if they fail to exercise themselves in celebrating those benefits." Commentray on Genesis 24:52


Mark said...

Ah, finally, I see the infamous Brett Schutt blog. The dilemma, of course, is whether or not I can give you a hard time for not updating in over a month when there are seven new-to-me posts up. Choices, choices...

srutherford77 said...


I am glad to see you are in the blog world. You will be glad to know that you have made it on my venerable blog list

NPE said...

Yep. Brett, you will now be required to update at least 2 times a week.

srutherford77 said...

By the way...those who do not update their blog on a regular basis annoy me.

srutherford77 said...

Whoa, commented at exactly the same time as Nate...Freaky!

steveandjanna said...

I didn't realize (read: didn't pay attention) that Calvin was a doctor. I just don't see anyone saying what's up doc to him.

Wait, I take it back. Brian Schwertley would do something like that and good times would be had by all but the doc.

Terreth said...

Good to see you have entered the realm of Blogs Schut!

Now I just need to stop annoying Sven and update my Blog.