Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Be a Precionist

We live in a culture of indifference. We live in a world that loves to walk the easy path, the path that is not careful, circumspect, or sober. The great Puritan Richard Rogers was once told he lives a life that is too precise. He responded with, "I serve a precise God."
Commenting on the fall of Adam and Eve Calvin says they called into question the veracity of God's testimony. By doing so they (and we in Adam) died. There is a way that leads to life and a way that leads to death. We must seek to be sober-minded and live a self-controlled life that requires being precise. We must fear God and keep His commandments. His commandments are precise but they lead to peace and life.


NPE said...

I wish I were more precise. Amen. And keep the posts coming!

Droll Flood said...

A mere superficial reading of Scripture would yield that God demands nothing but precision. Even in the book of Ecclesiastes, the preacher seeks after just the right words. Be that as a rebuke to the sloppy...

Droll Flood said...

BTW Hi, Brett. Welcome to the blog'o'schpfier.

-Think your self free to come over sometime, soon.